Baby yoga is a very gentle practice for new Mums and their babies and a great way to bond through activity and play. During the class we perform simple dry massage (through clothing), moves for hips, chest, arms and activities that encourage tummy time. Every class we practice various types of relaxation and breathing techniques as well as postnatal moves and yoga for mothers. It is also a chance to meet other Mums and share your experience.

Every Mum is a “teacher” for her own baby. The “real teacher” performs all the moves with a doll. During the class every Mum can attend to the needs of her baby such as feeding, changing a diaper etc.

One class is 45 minutes long.

Babies like repetition and routine and therefor it is recommended to commit to the practice on regular basis.


Baby yoga has numerous scientifically proved benefits.

  • It improves flexibility of babies’ hips.
  • It helps to open chest and stretch back after 9 months in the womb and after being seated in the car seat, relax chair etc.
  • It helps to gain muscle strength and encourages easier transition from reflexive moves to natural and conscious moves.
  • It improves babies’ understanding of space and its place in the space.
  • It helps to relieve colics, sooth and relax the baby.
  • It improves babies’ sleep.

The postnatal practice incorporated in the class has many benefits for women, too.

  • It helps women to close their body after pregnancy and birth.
  • It strengthens deeper layers of muscles in the area of abdomen and pelvic floor.
  • It relieves tension in neck, shoulders and back.
  • It gently strengthens body.
  • It empowers mothers to gain more confidence when dealing with the baby.
  • It teaches mothers various relaxation techniques.

All the props and mats are provided. If you are interested to participate, get in touch with me over email or phone and book your space at the class.
